Come Hear the Good News at
Hedgesville Presbyterian Church
"See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?" Isaiah 43:19
"See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?" Isaiah 43:19
In celebration of Juneteenth I'd like to share this story by Elder William Moore.
The question was the only item of discussion in Hedgesville in 1850: Is it permissible to ever own another human being? To own a person in the way that you would own an animal. Or to own a person that is considered a part of your wealth?
Hedgesville was a gap in the mountain that was being civilized. On one hill, the Episcopalians had erected a fine brick church in 1816. The largest number of unchurched in the immediate area was the Methodist and approximately 18 years later, they built a hand formed brick church on the other hill. It stood tall and majestic on the hill and could be seen for some distance. It grew a nick name of the “ Red Brick Church” and folks were rightly proud of it.
The founding body, the Methodist Church, US was not as quiet or as settled and ferment was brewing in all the churches. In the New England states a movement began that spread through the country … no matter the denomination, but chiefly espoused by the Methodist.
It was called the Anti-slavery moment and they were vocal, active. And blunt.
THEY WERE OPPOSED TO SLAVERY OF ANY KIND AND FORM, AND FELT THAT IT SHOULD BE ABOLISHED. The congregations of Methodist churches were asked to take a stand and to declare if they were Anti-Slavery or not.
The little church at Hedgesville had just really gotten started. Within two decades that had made strides. A little cemetery mostly for children had been established, the building was strong, and they had a regular minister who was sent to them by the Conference.
They did the shocking, the unexpected, the unusual and it had profound consequences that lasted until 1894 -- They decided that they were anti-slavery …. And boldly proclaimed it a more than dramatic fashion.
They built their new church in the style and manner of others of the period. There was a door at the side of the church where the slaves could come to worship, but they did not enter the doors of the regular congregation. They took this door and bricked it up on the outside and the inside so that could not happen.
Inside at the back of the room was a balcony. The balcony was one story high and it was for the slaves to look down on the service. To experience what was going on but not be a part of it. They took the balcony and ripped it from the walls and covered the windows.
Now the records don’t indicate if the slaves came into the life of the church but there is a definite statement by the church of their stand on slavery. There was an uproar in the church and records state that those who opposed were “locked out” of the church. The interpretation of that was that they were not allowed to have communion or hold office in the church. They were dispossessed. They had no church of their own.
By 1865 the Civil War had ended and there was a movement to build a church for those who were from the “old brick church” With fervor and determination a drive was on to build a church and they were able to erect the largest free standing log structure in the county. They put it on the other side of the hill in the gap of the mountain. Just so that folks would not forget, they erected a very large, ornate window enclosed balcony on the end of the room.
There were a sizeable number of Presbyterians who lived in Hedgesville who attended Falling Waters and some at Tomahawk. They were invited by the new Methodist Church to join with them to worship and fellowship. They decided to do so. Records do not indicate if they held separate services or were combined ones, but they continued to worship within that Church.
After about three decades of this arrangement, there was a strong feeling by the Presbyterians that they wanted to be on their own. How to do it? They presented their wish to have a church building in Hedgesville to the Falling Waters PC. The Session of that group were not eager and responsive and told the group to equip themselves with conveyances and come to Falling Waters for six months and they would take up the questions again. They did not go.
The ladies of the Hedgesville group decided on their own to somehow finance a building and set about fund raising in the 1890s. They did have a local doctor to be the treasurer of the group, but the direction and purpose was determined by the ladies. They asked for funds from people straight out, they borrowed money, and they gave all that they could. One person to whom they borrowed was Mr. Janney who had been a former Confederate soldier.
They secured the services of an expert builder and carpenter, G. W. Apple , who secured a pattern book of plans and information. The church pattern selected by the ladies was a New England clapboard design and may have been a direct link of those folks from that area who were so stalwart in the anti-slavery movement.
It can be said that the anti-slavery activity at a Hedgesville Methodist Church was the correlation and link to getting a Presbyterian Church built nearly four decades later. -- Elder William Moore
I want to personally invite and welcome you to join us for worship at Hedgesville Presbyterian Church. Our Sunday services begin in-person at 11 am and livestreamed on Facebook at 11:10 am. http://facebook.com/hedgesvillepc
We hope and pray that you are able to join us... All Are Welcome!
The Peace of Jesus Christ be with you!
Yours in Christ Jesus,
Rev. Vanessa Smith
Please review our SAFETY PROTOCOLS before arriving for in-person worship:
HPC follows the safety protocols of local, state and CDC guidelines. Currently we are gathering in-person and live streaming our services. Masks are no longer required in the building. Masks are recommended for those at risk, and anyone who prefers to wear a mask.
In scripture God promises us new life when we have faith in Jesus Christ....
“But God is so rich in mercy, and loves us so much, that even though we were dead because of our sins, God gave us life when he raised Christ from the dead.” Ephesians 2:4-5
Come experience the love of God and explore the possibility of YOUR NEW LIFE in Jesus Christ at Hedgesville Presbyterian Church. We welcome you into the life of our congregation to share in our worship, small group studies, community outreach activities, and more.
Sunday Morning Worship @ 11 am -- In-person when possible, and remotely on www.facebook.com/hedgesville/live
Communion on the first Sunday of the month and on special days.
Off-Street Parking and wheelchair accessible sanctuary.
Join us on Wednesdays @ 11 am for small group Bible Studies. We are currently exploring Women of the Bible. Study books available upon request.
To Know Christ--To Know Love--To Know Salvation
We are a family of Christians who trust and strive to obey Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. We believe that Jesus Christ, the son of God, died, arose from the dead, and will come again. As part of the Body of Christ, we propose to faithfully spread this Good News by following a set of core beliefs.
We believe that as Disciples of Christ we are called to:
Follow Christ--To strive to live and love as Jesus Christ taught us.
Care—To provide nurture and care for all God’s people as best we are able.
Worship & Celebrate—To maintain the worship of God through the Word preached, the Scriptures read, the sacraments celebrated, and by lifting our voices in songs of praise and adoration.
Educate—To provide Scripture-based Christian education as a foundation for Spiritual growth and preservation of the Truth.
Reach Out—To demonstrate Christ’s love by reaching out to our community, participating in community-sponsored activities and responding to those in need.
Tell the Story—To proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ’s life, death and resurrection by word and deed.
Utilize God’s Gifts—To identify and faithfullyl use our God-given gifts and resources to carry out God’s will for us.
Hope for the Hungry is a program that gathers groceries for monthly distribution in Hedgesville. Giveaways are promoted via Facebook and the church sign. Shelf stable Grocery donations are always needed.
The Blessing Box offers free shelf-stable foods 24/7 for folks in a pinch. It is a ministry supported BY the community FOR the community. It is not intended as a long-term solution to systemic poverty.
The Mountaineer Disciples are a group of cognitively challenged adults who meet weekly at HPC for Bible study and activities.
Yes, there are pews under all those clothes! Once a year we host a Community Closet offering FREE clothing to anyone who needs it. Watch our calendar for up-coming give-aways
GROW TO SHARE is a ministry of HACC -- Hedgesville Area Community of Churches. The purpose of this ministry is to provide fresh produce to area families through the Loaves and Fishes ministry.
Loaves and Fishes is a ministry of the churches of Hedgesville and hosted by Hedgesville United Methodist Church (our neighbor). This ministry provides food to folks who need it. Distribution is monthly on the last Saturday of the Month.
Hello! I'm Rev. Vanessa Smith, but my friends call me "Pastor V." I did my undergraduate studies at WVU and received a Master of Divinity from the Lutheran Theological Seminary at Gettysburg. In 2017, I accepted God's call to pastor HPC and WHAT A BLESSING IT HAS BEEN!
I'd love to hear from you!
Close to Martinsburg, WV and I-81
Off-Street Parking
Wheelchair accessible sanctuary through rear entry.
202 E Main St, Hedgesville, West Virginia 25427, United States
Christmas Angels
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